
Full-Stack Developer - Specialised in Django


A motivated Full-Stack Developer with a passion for crafting exceptional digital experiences. Graduated with a Bachelor of Computer Science from Hanoi University of Science and Technology, he delved into the tech world in 2014 and hasn’t looked back since. With a knack for problem-solving and a penchant for innovation, he thrives in dynamic environments where he can leverage his expertise in Django, Ruby on Rails, and a plethora of other technologies to build robust applications. When he’s not coding, you’ll likely find him exploring the latest trends in technology or unwinding with a good book.


  • Django
  • AWS
  • NoSQL DB
  • React.js
  • Ruby On Rails
  • SQL DB
  • Vue.js


2019 - Present

Senior Software Developer | Tech Lead ​à TEKY

● Developed and maintained mobile and web applications that have high transaction volumes (2k CCU) and good application performance Apdex > 0.95) using Django, Ruby on Rails, React, and Flutter
● Collaborated with stakeholders to create detailed user stories
● Collaborated with other developers and testers to create design documents and test plans
● Designed UML diagrams and databases
● Designed and managed servers, databases, and other resources on DigitalOcean
● Deployed, monitored, and tuned performance for applications and APIs.
● Reviewed code and design of other team members
● Led a team of 8 developers

  • Django
  • Ruby on Rails
  • React
  • Flutter
  • DigitalOcean
2017 - 2019

Senior Software Developer ​à FUNiX

● Developed and maintained web applications for a fully online learning experience, including a learning management system, a mentoring system, a CRM system, and other websites
● Designed and managed servers, databases, and other resources on Google Cloud
● Collaborated with other teams to get requirements and feedback
● Reviewed code of junior developers
● Led a team of 5 developers

  • Django
  • Ruby on Rails
  • MySQL
  • MongoDB
  • AppSignal
  • Google Cloud
2016 - 2017

Software Developer ​à TOPICA

● Added new features to the CRM system to provide sales agents with more tools to do their work.
● Improved the searching feature of the LMS system
● Developed the UserCore service that collected and analyzed users’activities from integrated systems
● Led a team of 3 developers

  • Python Flask
  • PyTorch
  • MySQL
2014 - 2016

Software Developer ​à Viettel

● Developed new features for client-server desktop applications using C++ with Qt framework
● Maintained and fixed bugs
● Wrote user’s guide documents

  • C++
  • Qt framework
  • PostgreSQL



Bachelor of Computer Science ​à Hanoi University of Science and Technology

  • Full-Stack Developer