Mobile App Development

GoLive Software > Mobile App Development
// Our Frameworks

Mobile Front-end Development


Kotlin, created by JetBrains, is a modern language designed for native mobile applications on Android. It is interoperable with Java, which simplifies the migration of applications. Moreover, it’s a rapidly growing language, becoming increasingly popular among developers due to its productivity and performance.


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Swift is a modern programming language, developed by Apple, used to create applications for the iOS, iPadOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS operating systems. Swift is also efficient, secure, and interoperable with Objective-C, which makes migrating existing applications to Swift easier.



Flutter, an open-source framework from Google, allows for the creation of hybrid mobile apps for iOS, Android, desktop, and web. Using Dart, it facilitates the creation of high-performance interfaces. Its widget system speeds up development and provides flexibility for custom designs.


React Native

React Native, created by Meta, allows for the development of hybrid mobile apps for iOS and Android. Using JavaScript React for user interfaces, it ensures a uniform experience across both platforms. It promotes code reusability between platforms, boosting productivity and efficiency.

// About

Our Team

Our dedicated mobile front-end development team is composed of passionate and experienced developers.

We follow Agile working principles, which allows us to be flexible and responsive to the challenges and changes we encounter. Our use of Jira for project management enhances our productivity and collaboration.

We ensure that each interface we code is intuitive and enjoyable to use.

In parallel, we never lose sight of the importance of performance. Every line of code we write aims to create responsive websites and web applications that load quickly and error-free.

Moreover, we pay particular attention to SEO. We use modern and standard-compliant development techniques to optimize our sites for search engines. In this way, we ensure maximum visibility for your projects.

Agence de développement web au Vietnam
// Advantages

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