Front-End Web Development

GoLive Software > Front-End Web Development
// Our frameworks

Front-End Web Development


As experts in React, we are capable of creating rich and interactive user interfaces for web applications. This framework allows for the creation of high-performing and efficient web applications that meet the needs of our clients.



Next.js is another JavaScript framework that we master. Favored by major web players, like Netflix, Next.js stands out due to its undeniable advantages for web development, including static page generation, thus optimizing loading speed and SEO.



Vue.js is a progressive JavaScript framework that stands out for its flexibility and ease of use. While React is often the choice for large-scale projects, Vue.js can be a more judicious choice for simpler projects, without sacrificing performance.

Vue-js logo


Angular is a powerful JavaScript framework that our team uses. In comparison with React, Angular is often judged more suitable for large-scale projects, due to its complex architecture and integrated features that make task execution easier.

// About

Our Team

Our dedicated front-end development team is composed of passionate and experienced developers.

We follow Agile working principles, which allows us to be flexible and responsive to the challenges and changes we encounter. Our use of Jira for project management enhances our productivity and collaboration.

We ensure that each interface we code is intuitive and enjoyable to use.

In parallel, we never lose sight of the importance of performance. Every line of code we write aims to create responsive websites and web applications, which load quickly and error-free.

Moreover, we pay particular attention to SEO. We use modern and standard-compliant development techniques to optimize our sites for search engines. In this way, we ensure maximum visibility for your projects.

Agence de développement web au Vietnam
// They trust us


Thank you for the frontend you have created for our platform. We appreciate the quality and attention to detail you have provided. We also appreciate the fact that you use the very latest methods.

Luc Faure

Founder & CEO
Luc Bouchard

We are satisfied with the work done on our Vue.js frontend. Excellent performance and the specifications were well respected. Our team recommends GoLive Software for this type of development.

Lucie Vidal

Lucie Moreau

Responsive and very professional team. We have and continue to use GoLive's services. Their ability to solve complex problems and understand our needs has proven very good.

Alain Delorme

Alain Mercier
// Advantages of


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