
Frontend Developer


I’m a Software Engineer with 7 years of experience in Web Development. I really enjoy working with Vue.js and WebRTC livestreaming. Using my knowledge of UI/UX design, I like solving front-end problems to make sure users have the best experience. I’m always learning new technologies and tricks to improve as an engineer.


  • Nuxt.js
  • Vue.js
  • WebRTC
  • React Native
  • Unit Testing


2023 - 2024

Senior Frontend Developer ​à YOONG Vietnam

As a Senior Frontend Developer at YOONG Vietnam, my responsibilities were diverse. I focused on ensuring code reliability and stability through rigorous testing frameworks. Mentoring the team in frontend processes and keeping them updated with the latest technologies and best practices were essential tasks. I also led research initiatives to identify suitable frontend technologies, conducted scrum events, and provided estimations for tasks.

  • Unit testing frameworks
  • Scrum methodologies
  • Frontend technology research
2020 - 2023

Software Engineer ​à Beowulf Blockchain

At Beowulf Blockchain, I contributed as a Software Engineer to various projects involving blockchain technology. My tasks ranged from developing web UIs, SDKs, to creating livestreaming bots and inter-process communication systems. Utilizing Vue.js, Nuxt.js, React Native, and WebRTC APIs, we crafted innovative solutions to enhance platform functionality and cater to user needs.

  • Vue.js
  • Nuxt.js
  • React Native
  • WebRTC API
2022 - 2023

Head of Engineering ​à Experclass for everyone

In my role as Head of Engineering at Experclass for everyone, I oversaw web UI development and deployment processes. Leveraging technologies like Nuxt.js and Netlify, we aimed to create user-friendly interfaces and optimize search engine visibility. This involved managing deployment processes and ensuring a seamless user experience.

  • Nuxt.js
  • Netlify
  • SEO optimization
2021 - 2022

Frontend Team Leader ​à TroodonLabs

As a Frontend Team Leader at TroodonLabs, I led a team in developing various web applications using Vue.js and Nuxt.js. Our focus was on creating robust and scalable solutions meeting client requirements. Effective collaboration and timely delivery were ensured under my leadership.

  • Vue.js
  • Nuxt.js
2018 - 2020

Software Engineer ​à Kryptono Exchange

At Kryptono Exchange, my role as a Software Engineer involved developing web UIs for a crypto exchange platform using Vue.js. Additionally, I contributed to the development of a desktop application using Electron.js for crypto wallet management. Implementing web chat functionality with XMPP was another aspect of my responsibilities, aimed at enhancing user interaction on the platform.

  • Vue.js
  • Electron.js
  • XMPP
2017 - 2018

Fresher Frontend Developer ​à 123Phim - VNG

July 2017 – February 2018

As a Fresher Frontend Developer at 123Phim – VNG, my primary responsibility was to develop web UIs using Angular. Additionally, I implemented caching mechanisms to optimize request speed, contributing to a smoother user experience on the platform.

  • Angular
  • Caching mechanisms
  • Frontend Developer