Notre équipe

GoLive Software > Thomas R.

Thomas R.

Project Manager & Senior UX/UI Designer

1️⃣ I’m a project manager and always have been at heart. While I’ve bounced around different places as a designer and team lead, managing projects and teams of individuals is what brings me more fulfillment.

2️⃣ I believe organized communication can solve every problem. I’m a big believer in structured communication and try to incorporate it into both my personal and professional life.

3️⃣ I hate wasting time and I hate being late but I love spending time discussing and exchanging about every subject. I think we can learn from everything and everyone.

4️⃣ I’m constantly learning new skills. For better or worse, this also includes skills outside my career as a project manager. I learn the best tricks, new leadership tactics, and better methods for communication, but I’m also learning how to code the basics in different languages to be on point in any project.

5️⃣ I love creating and improving things, I always search to do better.

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